Project Design Blog (PDB) / Project Design Journal (PDJ)

When working on a team, for a client, or independently, it is really important to organize your thoughts, ideas, time spent, designs, and the overall process.  As students progress through the different stages of the design process, they are constantly experimenting with ideas, researching topics, compiling sources, brainstorming issues, sketching possible solutions, making changes, rejecting proposals and critically evaluating their work. All relevant activities and outcomes should be recorded, and dated, in the student’s Project Design Blog (PDB).

First, Create a blog through using a “simple” template and choose one of the basic initial color scheme. You can always change it later to fit your theme. Assign it an appropriate title and address.
The Interface:
  • Edit your blogs template, choose Template from the menu.  *Seen in orange below.  Apply the MYP Project Design Blog interface. Choose Backup / Restore and then Browse for the MYP PDB Template. Paste this link to the template: Template Here

It should looks something like this . . .
Here are some notes regarding the the PDB setup. < <  Here > >

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