Due Before Break
Create a Google Drive folder call it
"(Name Here)'s IB Exam"
3 new folders Label them,
Comparative study, Process portfolio, & Exhibition
Comparative study: Students analyze and
compare different artworks by different artists. This independent critical
and contextual investigation explores artworks, objects and artifacts from
differing cultural contexts. Students compare at least 3 different artworks,
by at least 2 different artists, with commentary over
10–15 screens.
*HL students submit 3–5 screens which analyze the extent to which their
work and practices have been influenced by the art and artists examined.
Turn in 10-15 finished screens to the Comparative Study Folder.
Process portfolio: Students submit
carefully selected materials, which evidence their experimentation,
exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts
activities during the two-year course. Students submit 9 –25 screens. The
submitted work should be in at least two different art-making forms. (SL 9-18, HL 13-25)
Turn in 9-25 finished screens to the Comparative Study Folder.
Exhibition: Students submit for
assessment a selection of resolved artworks from their exhibition. The
selected pieces should show evidence of their technical accomplishment
during the visual arts course and an understanding of the use of materials,
ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication. Students submit
(SL 4–7) (HL 8-11)
pieces with exhibition text for each, along with a curatorial rationale (400
words maximum). Reference
art-making forms table.
Turn in (SL 4–7) (HL 8-11)
finished pieces with exhibition text for each,
** After Break turn in curatorial rationale (SL-400, HL-700 words maximum)
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