Composition Through Abstraction


»  I understand what visual composition is and how it relates to both photography, cinematography, fine art, graphic design and even proposals. »  I understand the responsibilities and ethics associated with publishing to the internet

»  EXPLORE: Find 20+ abstract images that you like, save them in folder and post in blog
»  EXPLORE:  Watch video on composition
»  EXPLORE:  Watch video on abstract images
»  EXPLORE:  Read article on composition
»  CREATE:  Take a minimum of 20 - 2000 abstract photos based entirely on some of the compositional rules and post in your blog.
»  CREATE:  In a second post, choose five that best exhibit the compositional rules and describe the rules used.   


Create a folder on your desktop and rename it ‘Abstracts’ then using the internet, explore and find 20+ abstract images that you like, save them in folder and post all images in a single post on blog.

Watch Videos:

Read article on composition:
Here is a  article that I would like you to READ.  It focuses on abstract photography.  This article has four parts.
Here is another article on composition.


Using any digital camera, including a quality cell phone, take a minimum of 20 abstract photos based entirely on some of the compositional rules mentioned  in the articles and videos.  Subjects should be more abstract, not be recognizable,  or barely recognizable.  In your blog ,  upload the final  version of the image and write an explanation of why you think the composition makes a visually interesting image according to the compositional rules.

Note:  You can open the image in Photoshop and crop the image until you like the composition.

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