Visual Arts Grade Descriptors

Grade 7

  • Demonstrates in-depth and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the media used with precise use of terminology to communicate this understanding.
  • Highly effective use of research, investigation and technical skills.
  • In-depth understanding of artistic intention and engagement with the artistic process demonstrated in consistent development of ideas, creativity and critical reflection.

Grade 6

  • Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of the media used with appropriate and consistent
  • use of terminology to communicate this understanding.
  • Effective use of research, investigation and technical skills.
  • Understanding of artistic intention and engagement with the artistic process demonstrated in development of ideas, creativity and critical reflection.

Grade 5

  • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the media used, with appropriate use of terminology to communicate this understanding.
  • Research, investigation and technical skills are evident and sometimes well developed.
  • Evidence of understanding of artistic intention and the artistic process and development of ideas, creativity and critical reflection.


Grade 4

  • Demonstrates secure knowledge and understanding of the media used, with appropriate use of terminology to communicate this understanding.
  • Research and/or investigation skills are evident but not well developed.
  • Some understanding of artistic intention and the artistic process, that is, understanding of the work of
  • others, the student’s own work and the connections between these.
  • Some evidence, through the student’s own work, of understanding of the artistic process. Technical skills
  • are evident but not necessarily well developed.
  • There is some evidence of development of ideas and some evidence of creativity and critical reflection.


Grade 3

  • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the media used with some use of terminology to communicate this understanding.
  • There is evidence of research and/or investigation but this remains undeveloped.
  • Partial understanding of artistic intention, that is, understanding of the work of others and the student’s  own work.
  • Evidence in the student’s own work of limited artistic process and technical skills.
  • Creativity and critical reflection emerge occasionally in the work.


Grade 2

  • Demonstrates little knowledge and understanding of the media used with limited use of terminology.
  • There is evidence of superficial research and/or investigation.
  • The student’s own work demonstrates very limited artistic process, technical skills, creativity and critical reflection.


Grade 1

  • Demonstrates very little knowledge and understanding of the media used, with inadequate use of terminology.
  • Irrelevant research and/or investigation.
  • The student’s own work demonstrates almost no artistic process, technical skills, creativity or critical reflection.

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