Independent Skill Objective: Write a statement of what want to learn, why you want to learn it, and how you are going to learn it.
Date started Include the tutorial link and a screen shot of the tutorial.Screen shots showing your progression through the tutorial & dates.
Independent Skill Objective: I will develop my Autodesk Mudbox sculpture skills, focusing on organic modeling. To do so I will follow the T-Rex tutorial. I will document my progress daily. I chose this tutorial because I felt learning Mudbox is the most import aspect related to my design. Also, this tutorial looks like it would be a lot of fun and I want to do it whether I am graded or not. Here is the link: *8/28/18
WRITE FINISHED on the first line of your blog.
General Writing: Grammar, punctuation, general writing
Grade is based out of 100 points with an additional potential for 20 bonus points.
65 – 85
85 – 100
1 – 20
| |
Completion & Finishing
Minimal Development
Some Development
Fully Completed & Detailed
Above and Beyond
All student work must be documented in the student’s blog.
| Minimal or No Documentation | Some Blog Documentation |
Documented in Blog |
*Students are required to document in their blog daily. A grade is given based on the # of classes scheduled. One ot two blogs posts will be dropped at the end of each month.