EXPLORE: The ‘BIG’ Project


»  I can implement a creative design process (design cycle) to help develop original ideas or to solve problems. 
»  I can use computer graphic tools, graphic organizers, and design processes to help develop ideas,
     topics, or possible solutions for an original design or solution - Pinterest, Inspiration, etc.
»  I can use computer graphic or design  tools to create
possible solutions  

»  I can use computer graphic or design  tools to create a quality Finalized Design
»  I understand the responsibilities & ethics associated with copyright laws and publishing to the internet

EXPLORE – Get Inspired!!!
»  CREATE: Create a blog using blogger.com to be used as a Project Design Blog or Design Folder. (PDB format) (Template) (SHOW ME HOW)
»  WRITE: Write a detailed career, interest, or life direction goal.

»  WRITE: Write 10+ technology, skill, or design tasks that you can do to support your goal.
»  WRITE: Write a detailed design objective. 
»  WRITE: Write a skill objective(s) related to your goal. 

What influences the creative process?  
Where do ideas come from?  
What is creative thinking?
What personality traits exist among creative people?
What limits creativity?
How could creativity play a role in your future career? 

» CREATE: Create a blog using blogger.com to be used as a Project Design Blog or Design Folder.
When working on a team, for a client, or independently, it is really important to organize your thoughts, ideas, time spent, designs, and the overall process.  As students progress through the different stages of a project design process, they are constantly experimenting with ideas, researching topics, compiling sources, brainstorming issues, sketching possible solutions, making changes, rejecting proposals and critically evaluating their work. All relevant activities and outcomes should be recorded, and dated, in the student’s Project Design Blog (PDB). Learn how to create a blog using the template (SHOW ME HOW)

»  WRITE: Write a detailed career, interest, or life direction goal.
Write a post in your PDB describing your initial goal’s direction in full detail.  Include: background info, reference images, thoughts and rationale.  This should be two to three paragraphs.  Give this post a label of “Goal”.
I have been playing video games all my life and I want to explore how to make one. 

I understand that video games are generally made by a team, not by individuals, and taking years to create.   I probably will not finish an entire game myself, but that is the end goal.   To start, I want to focus and learn the character design process, design my own character, create a 3d model of the character, and learn the basic features of importing the character into a game engine.  I will design and create a 3d model of a character to be used in a video game.

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